Think you Know Your Union-Busting Tricks? Buckle up, buttercup. Some of these are gonna be curveballs. Generally, only large corporations hire union-busting legal and consulting firms. True. False I can't afford to join a union. True False Georgia is an at-will state. It is perfectly legal to fire employees for union organizing activity. True False "Having a union will ruin our work environment. I thought we were friends!" True False If you become part of a union, you can no longer talk directly to your manager or supervisor. True False Employers that promise changes to policies and procedures and say they’ll give raises if workers abandon an organizing campaign generally keep their promises. True False When you sign a card for the union, you sign your life away. They’ll control everything about your job. True False "This will destroy the company. You won't have a job anymore." True False Well, how do you think you did? Click SUBMIT below to see your results! A big thank you to the Communication Workers of America's Union Busting Playbook for providing an incredible resource that we were able to build on. Time's up